Friday, November 7, 2008

Looking at Form

Part One:
Winterowd's "Dispositio" is a shorter text, but it is packed with more ideas than some of the longer texts that have been assigned for this course. The text focuses on the importance of breaking down the formation of statements in rhetoric. Winterowd goes over showing how intention works in sentences and using performative verbs. I had never thought about how intention really works and it makes sense that without that "act of doing" statement things can get confusing. Using performative verbs and showing intention leads to the idea of beneficence in rhetoric because it can demonstrate a positive or negative relationship easily. Winterowd argued his ideas effectively with his use of examples and the positive/negative chart. His ideas were advanced enough that he could not just state them, he had to show them. In thinking of that, he was "doing" what he was saying and showing the "intention" of his text; he was practicing the rhetorical style he suggested.

Part Two:
For my historical-casual analysis I would like to research Title IX and the effect it has had on sports that do not charge an entry-fee, such as swimming, tennis, wrestling, etc. I think Title IX has its advantages and disadvantages and I want to learn more about what it has worked to do and how much good it has caused. I think my intended audience will be future and current athletes and also coaches and sports administrators. I do not think that non-profit sports get as much consideration as football/basketball so I just want to know if anything can be done to make sure that talented male athletes still get recognition and scholarship opportunities.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I think that this is a great topic! My son's dad is a wrestler here at IU and I know that it bothers him so much how certain sports get so much more recognition and are admired more for what they do. All of IU's athletes work hard and should be given the same rights all across the board. I think that audience construction will be important in your analysis. There are a lot of people out there that love football and basketball and couldn't care less about all the other sports. You wouldn't want to upset them, and I'm sure you wouldn't want to upset those that oppose Title IX either. You should just be careful not to show any biases. I would love to hear both sides of the argument though! Will you be focusing more on the financial differences of athletes in certain sports or will you be focusing on how Title IX affects athletes emotionally? Maybe those that participate in swimming, tennis, and wrestling feel as though they are not as important as other athletes. Just a thought! Good luck!